Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 23, 1940 - The Lahore Resolution

              March 23, 1940 - The Lahore Resolution

March 23, 1940, is a very prominent day in the history as some text of a resolution was going to get importance in coming days. That small text changed the geography of Asia and subcontinent by the formation of a new independent Muslim state from British India. For the Muslim community of subcontinent, this day brought happiness and prosperity by getting freedom from ancient Hindu culture and newly formed British India Government and her colonial system. Such incidents never happened before in the history of the world. A yearly session of working committee of All India Muslim League was announced to be held from 22-24 March of 1940 in Minto Park Lahore. All Muslims including the leadership of AIML were waiting for this day. Before starting of this session, no one knew about the important role of the text of a resolution as it would set a way to follow for the persons who were the part of this huge gathering.

Muslim leaders from across British India at the All-India Muslim League Working Committee session in Lahore
                                          Image source :

        Sir Shahnawaz Khan Mamdot from Punjab made the welcome address. 

Liaquat Ali Khan from East Punjab.
                                        Image source :

Annual Report of All India Muslim League was presented by Liaquat Ali Khan. 

Sir Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan from Punjab.
                                  Image source :

After this activity, Sir Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan was announced as an author of a resolution. Sher-e-Bengal, Sir AK Fazlul Huq moved this resolution. 

Chaudhry Khaliq uz Zaman addressing the session.
                              Image source :

The Lahore Resolution was seconded by Chaudhry Khaliq uz Zaman. He explained it in detail. It was the dream and voice of all Muslims of British India. It was based on the concept that a separate piece of land from British India for the Muslims of the subcontinent to overcome the growing inter-communal violence and recommended a united and independent Muslim State.The resolution was unanimously accepted and passed. 

Following personalities from different parts of British India and other leaders announced a strong support for Lahore Resolution:

1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah from Sindh. During his address M A Jinnah also presented a resolution on the Khaksar brutal killing during a clash with Police on March 19, and loss of 32 lives.

2. Qazi Muhammad Essa from Baluchistan.

3. Sir Abdullah Haroon from Sindh.

4. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan from Punjab.

5. Allama Adul Ghafoor Hazarvi from NWFP.

6. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan from Punjab. 

In 1941, Lahore Resolution was placed in the manifesto of All India Muslim League. In 1946, the struggle for an independent Muslim state started under the text of The Lahore Resolution.

In 1946, Ghulam Murtaza Shah Syed ( GM Syed ) presented Lahore Resolution in British Sindh Assembly. He was the member of Legislative Assembly and the President of Sindh Muslim League. The bill of Lahore Resolution was passed by the Assembly. After this action the dream of the Muslims of British India turned into fact and hurdles in the way of an independent Muslim state were removed

The text of The Lahore Resolution was buried at a place in Minto Park Lahore and a wonderful minaret was built on it. It is called Minaret of Pakistan and name of the park is changed as Iqbal Park.


All Muslims of British India were very happy on getting freedom and was ready to sacrifice everything for their new Muslim state but some leaders of AIML had a conflicted point of view with Muhammad Ali Jinnah's strategy. A few of them opened this conflict. Ghulam Murtaza Shah Syed ( GM Syed ) was one of them. He joined AIML in 1938 and left it in 1946. Later on, he made a new political party as a social activist. He started a movement for a change as Sindhu Desh. After his death, this movement also reached to its end.

All such conflicts are totally of the two-nation theory and the Lahore resolution. Some opponent forces want to ruin these two landmarks of history and use internal persons for their agenda. But the new generation of Pakistan is firmly standing before them and sacrificing their lives for the existence of their motherland.

Long Live Pakistan. 


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    3. Thanks and remain in contact to refresh your history knowledge.
