Wednesday, May 04, 2016

History of Islam-Mairaj/Travelling of MUHAMMAD (SAW) to meet ALLAH (SH)

( In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful ) 

             History of Islam-Mairaj/Travelling of                 MUHAMMAD (SAW) to meet ALLAH (SH) 

( From Jerusalem to above 7th Sky ) 

26. Radjab 1437 AH 

( Quranic Reference 1 ) 

Holy is He Who carried His bondman by night from the sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque (Aqsa) around which We have put blessings that We might show him Our grand signs. No doubt, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 17:1

( Quranic reference 2 )

The Strong; then the Spectacle inclined. 

And he was on the horizon of the highest heaven.

Then the Spectacle became closer, and (he) came down fully.

So the distance between the Spectacle and the beloved was only two arms’ length, or even less. (The Heavenly Journey of Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him – was with body and soul.)

So Allah divinely revealed to His bondman, whatever He divinely revealed.
The heart did not deny, what it saw. (The Holy Prophet was bestowed with seeing Allah – see also preceding verses 8,9, 10 .)

What! So do you dispute with him regarding what he saw?

And indeed he did see the Spectacle again.

Near the lote-tree of the last boundary.

Close to which is the Everlasting Paradise.

When the lote-tree was being enveloped, by whatever around it.

The sight did not shift, nor did it cross the limits.

Indeed he saw the supreme signs of his Lord. 53:6-18

In 621 AD, one year before the migration to Medina, this miracle was happened. All 

authentic books of Hadith prove this miracle of Allah (SH) for HIS beloved Prophet 

Muhammad (PBUH). All details of this journey from earth to above the 7th sky are available 

in Hadith books. Muhammad (PBUH) met with the Almighty Allah, got the gift of 5 prayers a 

day for His Ummah. He also requested before Allah (SH) for the forgiveness of His Ummah 

from sins and Allah (SH) accepted His loving request.

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