Sunday, April 03, 2016

History Of Hinduism


Who is a Hindu?

A Hindu is a follower of Hinduism. Hinduism is said to be the oldest -still existing- the religion of the world. It is thousands of years old and was born in India. It is a faith that must be experienced in many ways. Therefore, different religion by country, region or even a village.

Who is Holy?

The holy men of Hinduism include religion-teachers, priests and those who have given up their home and possessions to live a life of prayer and meditation. Some saints lead a nomadic life


A sadhu is often a follower of Shiva or Vishnu. These holy men wear necklaces of beads and holy saffron loincloths. Saffron Yellow is a sacred color.
A sadhu let his beard and hair grow and has no money or other possessions. He lives on donations from other Hindus.


The guru helps people to read scriptures and study and teach them about faith. He works at a school they call ashram.

Who is the Hindu God?

In Hinduism, there is not one God as in Christianity or Islam. Hinduism has various gods, there are even a lot. Every Hindu can choose his own god or if he is praying choose a god to his sacrifices. Even god (s) from another religion. There are major and minor Hindu deities.


Most Hindus believe in a supreme soul or spirit, which they call Brahman. Brahman has no form or shape but is everywhere and in everything.

The other gods and goddesses of Hinduism represent the various attributes of Brahman. The three main features can be found in the Trimurti or trinity: the gods Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver) and Shiva (the destroyer).

What are Hindu symbols?

Hinduism has many different symbols. These are common in everyday life, but also drawings and
paintings. Each symbol has its own meanings. Often these symbols centuries old.

What are the sacred books?

The oldest scriptures are over 3000 years old. The four collections of hymns, prayers and spells that are called the Vedas. The oldest and most sacred are the Rig Veda, the sacred text of knowledge. Other important Hindu texts, the Upanishads and two long poems, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.

Shruti and Smriti.

The Vedas and the Upanishads are called Shruti, or heard texts. It is believed that a group of wise men received these texts to hear directly from Brahman. The other texts are called Smriti, or remember. They were invented by people and transmitted orally. For thousands of years, they have memorized to remember.


The Vedas and the Upanishads were passed down orally and then written in Sanskrit. This is the sacred language of India. Some people believe that Sanskrit has a special ability to communicate with the gods. It is no longer spoken but still studied by priests. Hindi, the language of modern India, is derived from Sanskrit.

Bhagavad Gita.

The Bhagavad Gita is the most important and popular part of the Mahabharata. The text tells the story of a war between two royal families, who wanted to have power over an empire. The Bhagavad Gita, the lord of the song, takes place on the battlefield, just before the fight begins. It is a conversation between Arjuna, a charioteer, and the god Krishna. Krishna tells you not only have to think of yourself.

What's that red dot?

The red dot on the forehead of a Hindu is for some a religious symbol. For others a fad. The dots are self-adhesive, plastic versions simply buy in the store. Every Hindu gives his own interpretation with their own meaning to the red dot.

If a Hindu prayed or temple has visited the priest rubs a mark on the head at the hairline on a tika or tilaka. The tika is a mixture of rice, water, and colored powder. Most of the married people get a red mark, non-married people often get a yellow or orange color.

Third Eye.

Some Hindu groups give the red dot that the woman is married. Also in men, this may be the case because when Hindus red is the color of marriage. The red dot or a piece of jewelry that have women paste on their forehead is also seen as an extra "eye". A symbolic eye that is directed inward to check your own behavior. Some Hindus believe that this "Eye" is their contact with the gods and that they are so able to take a peek into the world of the gods.

Where are holy places?

Every year millions of Hindus make a pilgrimage to holy places. Often these temples, mountains or rivers. They travel by plane, train, bus, boat or oxcart. There are also people who go walking on pilgrimage. Such a journey may also weeks, sometimes even months. Hindus believe that a visit to a holy place them closer to moksha, the relief from the cycle of birth and death can bring.


Many sacred sites are connected with events in the life of gods or goddesses. Some are famous for their beauty or their healing power. The seven places (1) Ayodhya (2) Hardwar (3) Mathura (4) Varanasi (5) Ujjain (6) Dwarka (7) Kanchipuram cities from which a Hindu can cross to moksha.
Mountains and Rivers.

Mount Kailash (10) for Hindus is the pillar of the world where the universe moves around it. The mountain lies in Tibet and is a shrine to the god Shiva and goddess Parvati.
The holy river Ganga (9) has its origins in northern India. In place, Allahabad Ganga crosses another holy river Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati river.
Also, in Kathmandu (1) in Nepal runs a holy river Bagmati.
The holy river the Ganges.

The ashes of the ancestors of King Bhagiratha floated in the heavenly river Ganga. The king wanted that his ancestors came back to live. He, therefore, implored the god Shiva to flow Ganga on earth. But ... Shiva was afraid that the Ganges would destroy the earth if he would drop the water. He devised a plan. He caught the water of the Ganges on his hair and river left quietly through the Himalayas flow into the world.

Thus, the river originated the Ganges. If you see the god Shiva, you always see that water comes out of his hair. Referring to this story.

Where do the Hindus?

About 2000 years ago, merchants took the religion from India and spread it over Southeast Asia. Over the past century, there are many Hindus to America, Canada, England and Suriname left. These came mainly as laborers to this country and have since built a community. From Suriname there are many Hindus arrived in the Netherlands.

Most Hindus are still living in India. Also in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Burma live large Hindu communities. Worldwide, the number of Hindus is estimated at some 900 million.



  1. Hmmm
    Great Knowledge 👍👍

    1. Trying my best. Thank you.

    2. Trying my best. Thank you.

    3. Trying my best. Thank you.
