Tuesday, April 12, 2016

History of Ottomon Empire


The Seljuk Empire :

A group of nomads in the Central Asian States traveled from Mongolia to Anatolia, the region where Turkey is today. In countries where the Seljuks had been therein still talking Turkish. Those countries His example, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Turkistan. The Seljuks started to conquer various areas in Anatolia and made Konya the capital. The Seljuks converted to Islam and were therefore in conflict with the Byzantine Empire, which is now called Istanbul. The Seljuks lost the Battle of Ankara and thereby fell apart in Beyliks, which are small kingdoms where Bey, a lord, the boss was. One of those Beyliks was Osman Beylik. Sultan Osman began to conquer all sorts Beyliks. After a while he had conquered a large area. Sultan Osman came into conflict with the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire and Sultan Osman conducted a long war. After a long time, the Sultan Osman still managed to win. He won in 1453 the Byzantine Empire. This victory came the Ottoman Empire.

The beginning of the Ottoman Empire :

These enhancements to the Ottoman Empire brought into conflict with powerful Christian and Muslim kingdoms. Which include Hungary, Spain, perziё (the area where Iraq, Iran etc. are located) and the Mamluks (the area where Egypt Syriё and Israёl lie). Sultan Selim I had the Mamluks conquered in one year. That gave them a strong position towards Spain and Perziё. the Ottoman Empire was allowed to call himself guardian of the holy cities. These cities are Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. Then went the ottomans to North Africa. they conquered areas Tunesiё and Algeria. fought in the east them against the Persians to major cities such as Baghdad and Mesopotamia. they also went to Europe. they conquered Roemeniё, Hungary and almost Vienna. they also conquered areas in Russia. as a result, the Black Sea became an inland sea Ottoman.

The Ottoman Empire and the Government :

The Sultan had the power in the empire. The Islamic empire and was seen as a caliph. That is an Islamic country where a kind of successor to Prophet Muhammad is the boss. The succession of sultans went from father to son, and sometimes brother against brother. Thereby brothers were often arguing over who the new sultan could be. Often therefore they killed each other so they could be easily sultan. Christian and Jewish churches in the Ottoman Empire were a kind of special status. They had a separate government in the kingdom. The Christian Church reigned in the Ottoman Empire on the Christians and the Jewish church of the Jews. The empire was divided into vila jets (provinces) and again in sand yaks (cities).

The Ottoman Empire in Europe :

Around 1345 crossed the Ottomans the Dardanelles. That is the river between Istanbul and the rest of Turkey, under Sultan Murat I, they conquered Greece, Macedoniё, Albaniё and serviё. The Ottomans marched further into Europe and conquered Bulgaria and even in areas Italiё. In 1529 the Ottomans besieged Vienna. But they had to retreat through the cold winter. They conquered large areas in North Africa. Then they reached Spain, where they waged a long war. European monarchs who had a conflict with Spain locks even treaties with the Ottomans, such as Prince William I of the Netherlands and Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Ottomans, Dutch and English quite often fought together as allies. In 1683 tried to conquer the Ottomans Vienna again. But fighting after two months weep was narrowly freed by John III of Poland.

The end of the Ottoman Empire :

Russia, which had long been defending, slowly began attacking wars. The Russian Czars wanted to expand their land to the Mediterranean. European countries such as France, England, Austria and Russia tried to gain influence in the Ottoman Empire by the Ottomans strong dependence of these countries. The sultans who came later to power were usually much worse than the sultans who came to power at the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. They could themselves difficult govern the empire and showed great sights (helpers) refurbishing work. Since the Ottoman Empire was a very big sultan could govern itself difficult. He showed great control visors parts of the empire. Because those big visors themselves were a little lazy they divided the country again into pieces and let others rule about that. Usually the residents of that area trying to get high in the government and it did often. Then they rebelled against the government. It is this very often war broke out. Due to the bad rulers the Ottoman Empire was very weak and lost often causing areas were independent. The Eurpeanen seized their chance to win and tried areas. In the 19th century Europeans, the Ottoman Empire called the sick man of Europe.

The First World War : 

During World War I chose the Ottomans the side of the Germans. The British promised Arabia that they should govern their country after the war when they were helping them to defeat the Ottomans, while they promised the Jews that they should get their own region in the area where the Arabs lived. Because of this they quarrel after the war and which still is given by (Israel and Palestine). France had conquered territories in North Africa and pulled soldiers out there. Austria added areas in Eastern Europe to their empire. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ottoman Empire very much weakened. The Europeans fell to the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans lost and the Europeans divided the Ottoman Empire and took itself out over a group areas Ottomans in the area that had not been conquered, calling themselves the Young Turks, was the current government were. They promised the people that they would make for a better future. In 1922, the last sultan was deposed and the Republic of Turkey founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The Revolutionary War had begun in Turkey.

Ataturk :

Ataturk was born in Thessaloniki on May 19, 1881 (Ottoman Empire). His father, Ali Riza Efendi and his mother, Hanim Zubeyde called him Mustafa. Around the age of seven he went to primary school. Mathematics was his favorite subject. He was also very good. Therefore, he began to focus more on mathematics and at one point he was better than his teacher! After primary school he went to the Millitairemiddelbareschool. At that school mathematics teacher was his favorite teacher. That math teacher was also called Mustafa. Therefore Mustafa was renamed it: Kemal. Mustafa Kemal graduated in 1901 and joined the army. During the First World War took the Germans about the Ottoman chief commander to invade the Caucasus. As Armenian fighters Ottoman troops, destroyed their clothing and food, killed more than 90,000 Ottoman soldiers in the mountains of hunger, disease or wounds. The main Ottoman commander was very shocked by it. He had lost his pride and let Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Kemal be commander. But the English were very good. They wanted to kill two birds with one stone: to sail the sea at Canakalle and sure could not fight the Ottoman Empire and equal support Russia. England and France were the largest army in the war history in which even Australia and New Zealand, tens of thousands of troops sent for reinforcement. This led to a terrible war on the peninsula of Gallipoli and that lasted months. There were more than 100,000 soldiers died on both sides. The Turks thought they would lose, because they had to compete against 7 countries, America, England, France, Italy, Greece, Australia and New Zealand. Mustafa Kemal was the leader of the Ottoman army. But that war was so bad that Mustafa Kemal against his army said: "I recommend you not to attack but to die." Eventually people managed the Turks to win this war, and Turkey became an independent country.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ali bro. You must concluded that Muslims of Mongolia had tried to last extent to get back the victory and was near to conquer the whole Europe from where all the conspiracies started against Islam. They started WWI to stop Ottomans. They broke the power of Germany who could help Muslims and disgrace the Hitler. At the end USA also entered in the war. Threatened the Japanese by dropping nuclear bomb. Give way to Jews to posses Palestine. Broke the courage of 90000 Ottoman soldiers who made suicide. Forced the European Muslims to get over the Ottomans. As Mustafa Kamal was fighting as a General along with Britain so let him to get the control of Anatolia. Created the European Turkish government there. Divided the rest of Muslim states in sects. Broke the whole Muslim power in the whole world. In coming days played so many dramas. Created the Kashmir issue. Supported India to cut the west arm of Pakistan. Forced USSR to enter in Afghanistan to get rid of Mongolian Central Asian States as they all were Muslim. Make Iran and the Northern allies of Mujaheddin enemy to Pakistan on sectarian basis. Created Taliban and Al-Qaida to support India to get hold of Afghanistan. 9/11 drama to declare Muslims and Pakistan as terrorist. Drone attacks on Pakistan. Disgrace Pakistan Army before Pushtoon to cut the Baluchistan. Gave asylums to the enemies of Pakistan. See how they planned.
