Wednesday, April 06, 2016

History of Islam


The advent of Islam :

Who is CREATOR ?

The one and only one, WHO is the GOD ( means worshipping is only for HIM ). HE is the 

CREATOR of this universe, each and every living or nonliving thing in this universe. 

Who created the CREATOR ?

No one created the CREATOR. HE was HIMSELF present here before HIS all creations. HE

has no father no mother no son no daughter. 

Who was the first human at this globe ?

There was a pair of humans, in the beginning, a male, and a female.

What were their names ?

Adam and Eve. ( Hazrat Adam (A.H) and Hazrat Hawa (A.H) in Islamic theory ).

How they got birth ?

The both persons were not born by a pair of humans, means no father no mother. They 

were created by the CREATOR. Adam was created first and Eve was created through the 

ribs of the Adam. ( Islamic theory ).

What was their status other than humans ?

Both were the messengers/prophets of the CREATOR.

What are the meanings of messenger/prophet ?

Messenger/prophet is a person who is deputed by the CREATOR to convey HIS message 

to humans to help them to find the right path of living among the humans in a peaceful 

environment, to avoid any disturbance among them.

Is it possible for any human to get the status of a messenger/prophet at one's own 
wish ?

No, it is not a status to be adopted by a human oneself, it is an honor blessed by the 

CREATOR to special persons. 

What is the proof of a prophecy of a prophet ?

A holy book consists of revelations and commandments conveyed by the CREATOR to a 

prophet and miracles blessed by the CREATOR to one to convince the humans for ones 


What is the common message of all messengers/prophets ?

There is no god (for worshiping) but the CREATOR. 

( All mono atheists have faith in above statements ) 

All the prophets and messengers gave this message from Adam to Noah and Noah to 

Abraham, Abraham to Moses, Moses to David, David to Jesus and Jesus to Muhammad

the last Prophet of the CREATOR.

Islam and Muslims are Arabic words. It is logically correct to call a mono atheist as a Muslim

in Arabic.

Islam means peace for humans. Muslim means peace lover. It is worth mentioning here 

that from Hazrat Adam (A.H) to Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) all prophets were peace lovers,

hence were the Muslims.

Muhammad (PBUH) was born in 571 AD. It was the same year when Roman Empire came 

to its end.

In 611 AD the first revelation was revealed and up to 633 AD, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

entered in Mecca as victorious along with His companions, a huge number of Muslims,

without any bloodshed and loss of a life.

By this victory, He proved the  truth and depth of Islam  in respect to the height of spirituality

and peace for everyone.

Before this victory during His stay in Medina, He built a relation of brotherhood among the

persons who believed in One God either Jews or Christians. He signed treaties to make

better the environment of peace among the community. He taught positivity by his truth and

honesty. He finished the gap between common man and ruling class by implementing the

rule of law and showed his democratic behavior first ever in the history of the world. So,

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the first person Who introduced the democratic system to

the world. The Great Britain who is considered the founder of Democracy, adopted the

system in 1935 AD.

His companions or followers were recognized as the Muslims.

After completion of message of ALLAH Subhan o ho the CREATOR, Muslims spread

the message throughout  the world from Europe to Asia.

His followers defeated Richards the Lion Hearted, the new representative of Roman

Emperors, the new Roman Dynasty Britania, and the Babylonic Christian. Saladin opened

the shining way of education for Europe by this victory.

His followers taught the central government system to the divided community of

subcontinent in Asia.

Sultan Qutab ud Din Aibak was the first Emperor, who gave the system of central

government to India and made Delhi the capital.  Muslims ruled over India for 900 years

from 712 AD to 1857 AD. This rule of Muslims brought India out from the prejudice practice

of Hindus towards humans.

After WWII, the followers of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) got an independent state of

Muslims in Asia by the power of vote adopting the democratic way of Holy Prophet,

known as  Pakistan.

In present era, His followers are sacrificing their lives for the peace of the world by fighting

against the terrorism of Zionists.

Muslims and teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) are the only assurance  of love and peace at

this globe.