Wednesday, April 06, 2016

History of Babylon


The empire of the Babylonians :

Babylonia was an empire in ancient Mesopotamia the area between the rivers Tigris and

the Euphrates in what is now Iraq about 60 miles south of Baghdad. The Amorites founded 

Babylon. After the Amorites dominated the Kassites on the rich and centuries Babylonia was

later added to the empire of the Assyrians. Then the Chaldeans followed, which made 

Babylonia again powerful. The Babylonians were great astronomers and mathematicians. 

Also dates the oldest known and preserved laws of this realm. Eventually, Babylon 

incorporated into the Persian Empire.

The Rise of Babylon

Mesopotamia was many centuries ago a small Kingdom. Mesopotamia was the area

between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates in modern Iraq. The name of the kingdom

was Babylonia. 

In about 1894 BC (possibly later) were the Amorites people who founded the kingdom. 

Babylonia was not big nor powerful, but here came quickly change. Hammurabi was 

namely around 1792 BC sixth ruler of the Amorites. Under his reign included the city of 

Akkad and conquered the area Sumer, Assyria as well. Thus, Babylon became the most 

powerful empire in Mesopotamia. In 1750 BC Hammurabi died. After his death were 

different peoples in the region. In 1595 BC, the Hittites sacked the government, then the 

Kassites conquered Babylon in the same year.

A troubled period

Babylon remained so long a mighty empire under the Amorites. More than four hundred

years long, from about 1595 to 1155 BC, the Kassites ruled over Babylonia. When

the people of the Kassites in 1155 BC collapsed, broke a troubled the period in which the 

power of Babylonia had been lost. if both the Assyrians Elamites were trying to gain 

influence in the kingdom. Was around 1126 BC Nebuchadnezzar I became the new king. 

Under his reign, which lasted until 1105 Christ found a revival of the rich place, but this did 

not last long. Also, the Chaldeans Babylonia attacked several times inside. Eventually, King 

added Tiglatpileser of Assyria, Babylon around 730 BC to his empire. Tiglatpileser dropped 

then king of Babylonia crowns.

Again a mighty empire :

Ashurbanipal  was the last great king of the Assyrians. After being in 627 BC

died began an end coming to the Assyrian empire. Nabopolassar, of the Chaldean people,

began a rebellion against the Assyrians. In 626 BC he defeated the Assyrians and he 

became king of Babylon. Nabopolassar ruled until 605 BC and was succeeded by his son 

Nebuchadnezzar II. In conquered around 597 BC Judah, Nebuchadnezzar II (southern 

Palestine). Also fighting Babylonia and Egypt to Syria, Babylonia wins the battle. Thus the 

kingdom of the Babylonians again a mighty empire. Nebuchadnezzar had put down many 

beautiful buildings in the capital, Babylon and allowed the city again flourish.

Gods and buildings :

The Babylonians believed in different gods. A number they had taken over from other 

peoples, such as the Sumerians who lived in Mesopotamia for them. Marduk was the 

principal god of the Babylonians, he was also the patron of Babylon. Marduk was 

worshiped in a temple in the capital and priests brought him sacrifices in the form of food. 

Other gods were, for example, Enlil, the god of the wind, and Ishtar, the goddess of fertility, 

love, war and sex. Babylonia had a rich architecture. Especially King Nebuchadnezzar II left

many buildings put down. When in 689 BC, an Assyrian king, the capital city of Babylon

destroyed, Nebuchadnezzar II, there was an impressive city. He left the city feature walls 

with gates of bronze. The main gate of this was the Ishtar Gate. The blue-tiled gate was 

built in honor of the goddess Ishtar. also showed Nebuchadnezzar II a grand palace and 

the temple-tower of Babylon, dedicated to Marduk, build. A well-known story is that of the 

Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar II would this has let build for his wife Amytis 

because they where they were born the green field missed was. These gardens hung the 

most beautiful plants from terraces down. There is still debate, but probably these gardens 

never really existed and a legend.

Science and the Codex :

The Babylonians were great mathematicians and astronomers. So they used a

sexagesimal system to count (which we know still include the use of

the clock). They also found all of the Pythagorean theorems, though it was not then so

called. They made use of a cuneiform, consisting of lines in which clay was printed, in order 

to communicate. In addition, they studied the stars, the moon, and the planets. They were 

thus able to make predictions and to develop a calendar.

King Hammurabi, Babylon which first made a mighty empire, is also known Codex. This is 

the oldest known law in the world that has been preserved. He developed this legislation 

because he thought he could thus bring order to the expanding empire. The laws were 

engraved in stone for all to see what rules he had to keep himself and what punishment 

ensued when he did not.

The downfall of the kingdom of the Babylonians :

From 556 to 539 BC Nabonidus was king of Babylon, his son Belshazzar then ruled in the 

name of his father, he was not a king. The population was not satisfied with the way in 

which they led the empire. Captured around 539 BC Cyrus II of Persia, Babylonia and 

incorporated it in the expanding Persian Empire. This marked the end of the kingdom of the 

Babylonians. The city of Babylon was still a major city in the Persian Empire, but here was 

an end of a few centuries created. The people pulled away, and the city remained little 
